Home / Alcohol Addiction

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Defining Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, clinically known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic condition characterized by an inability to control drinking despite negative consequences. It encompasses a range of behaviors, from mild to severe, where individuals may find themselves consumed by a compulsive need to consume alcohol, leading to significant impairment in their personal, social, and professional lives.

Anonymity is our first priority

We at Promise Rehabilitation Centre maintain anonymity for our patients in a very strict manner. We have some strong reasons behind it. When an addict or a psychiatric patient completes his treatment from our institution and goes back to this daily life, he has to face a lot of questions from his family, relatives, friends and society. These questions might create a sense of fear, anxiety and depression in his mind and these are some strongs reasons for a recovering person to relapse. Which we do not want at any cost for any of our patients. So, for the well being our patients and keeping our patients future life as a concern, anonymity is our first priority.